ARTON PROGRAM - The therapeutic power of the group
Creative projects involving group work - general musical performance or group painting, collage, sculpture - are useful in helping to explore and strengthen social...
In today's session of the ARTON Program, the art therapist works with a patient in her individual hospital room, on the hospital bed. Sometimes the circumstances surrounding the treatment do not allow the children to leave their room, and it happens - even their beds. This in no way interrupts the meetings between the friends - the patient and the art therapist, a relationship that is built slowly and carefully, with a lot of love and a lot of colorful paints! The individual art sessions under the ARTON Program in hospital conditions are extremely important because they give the patient the feeling that he is not alone, that his daily routine and contacts continue with their normal course. The session itself inspires and mobilizes the sick child, and the meeting with the art therapist is a kind of psychotherapy for his communication-hungry soul.
The creation of a work of art is an act of communication in which the child expects and hopes that the person observing the work, whether it is the child's mother, the art therapist or members of the medical team, will understand something from what he sees. The work itself involves translating the child's inner language and transferring it into a tangible and concrete form on the picture or other work. As a team, we believe that art can support the development of both communication and the imagination of children who are placed in a difficult life situation.
And here, today the work of Jeni is so significant. Without much words, with patience and attention to detail, with the help of an art therapist in the use of various techniques, the girl patiently makes beautiful art jewelry - felt flowers, rubberized sheets, sequins, fabric, feathers and beads, which beautifies the barrette. Jeni prepare her for their favorite nurse.
This is what the works tell us. In this way they bring us messages and pass on knowledge to us - about ourselves, about the other, about the important thing that happens to us.
Creative projects involving group work - general musical performance or group painting, collage, sculpture - are useful in helping to explore and strengthen social...
In the ARTON Program our team of oncopsychologists, art therapists and music therapists develops the process of children's creativity as a process of...
In ARTON sessions, creating a piece of music or a song is an emotional experience of coping and satisfaction for the participating children. They make friends with...
Painting provides patients with a spontaneous, plastic method of depicting thoughts and experiences. Painting with paints is not as structured as with pencil or...