ARTON PROGRAM - summary of DECEMBER 2021

In the festive month of December, all sessions of the ARTON Program are connected with the approaching bright days, filled with joy and so much faith. The art therapist specially prepares topics and materials that are particularly attractive and influential. Each session brings children a surprise in the preparation of Christmas decorations - for the home, clinic, hospital room, as well as in the making of gifts - for all loved ones. This week's weekly sessions include work with felt, textiles, decorative materials - all applied skills aimed at the overall goal of creating holiday projects. It is no coincidence that children have a special attraction to applied work. When a person creates directly with his hands, processes, shapes, combines, beautifies individual and very different elements such as colors and textures, the psychological impact of the process is multifaceted and highly healing. The feeling of different materials gives variety and a break from monotonous activities, brings inspiration for many different ideas. Direct work with the hands makes the process tactile - with the touch the sensations are intensified and allow the invasion of strong and positive emotions and sensations. And when all this is connected with the most favorite holidays for children, the whole experience in the space of the ARTON Program turns into a small celebration that brings together friends - children, art therapist, mothers, and even members of the medical team.

This month, too, there are group classes in the common art hall, as well as individual classes for children, who according to medical prescriptions should not have contact with the others at the moment. Little Toshko actively participates in all sessions, his favorites are the making of Christmas balls, plasticine figurines and colorful paintings. Lily paints precisely the details on the tripod boards, Petya timidly begins to show her artistic talents in painting, Dora makes dolls - parsley with the help of an art therapist and wonderful paintings Christmas gifts.
In the sessions of the ARTON Program, every young artist develops not just creative skills. Children learn to communicate, to help each other, to get to know each other, and to know themselves better. Each step in the art group is a step towards a new friendship, an adventure in learning to express - feelings, sensations, thoughts, hopes, and even fears. And this month we have children who are just starting their treatment and this is always associated with a lot of insecurity, fears, sadness. It is during this period that the creative activities under the ARTON Program introduce the children to the new environment, support them with warmth and various activities with friends. Every child makes a great heroic step in their development as a person, becoming a member of our little ARTON society. As in any social group - adapting to new people and activities is a challenge, especially when it happens in a hospital environment. But once accepted and joined in the activities, every little patient begins to feel calmer, supported and inspired. And the path to recovery is somehow easier, because it is shared!