ARTON PROGRAM - The therapeutic power of the group
Creative projects involving group work - general musical performance or group painting, collage, sculpture - are useful in helping to explore and strengthen social...
Foundation "ARTON Bulgaria" was founded with a founding act of donation by Svetlana Chivganova, desiring to contribute to the mental health and support to cancer patients and their families in Bulgaria. The foundation is managed by Director and Council. Managing Director of the Foundation "ARTON Bulgaria" and Chairman of the Board of the Foundation is Svetlana Chivganova. The Foundation defines itself to operate for the public benefit. It is non-governmental, non-religious and politically independent public organization. The Foundation is registered in Varna District Court with Decision №56 / 21.02.2013, on the f.d.№22 / 2013, lot number 35, reg. №5, Volume 66, p.154, Bulstat: 176 465 939, with registered office and management address: Varna, str. "Rose".
The Foundation carries out activities for public benefit, expressed in the development, introduction and validation of working practices for healthy living and mental well-being, implementation of rehabilitation programs in the conditions of sustainable eco-tourism and personal development in nature. In the creation of centers for support, psychotherapy, personal growth and social integration of children and adults. In initiatives promoting the exploration and protection of nature and those in support and promotion of culture and the arts.
The team of specialists of the Foundation creates the first for Bulgaria hospital program of art therapy - ARTON Program - in the clinics of pediatric oncohematology in Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna, which provides children with cancer daily sessions of art therapy, in parallel with ongoing chemotherapy.
Creative projects involving group work - general musical performance or group painting, collage, sculpture - are useful in helping to explore and strengthen social...
In the ARTON Program our team of oncopsychologists, art therapists and music therapists develops the process of children's creativity as a process of...
In ARTON sessions, creating a piece of music or a song is an emotional experience of coping and satisfaction for the participating children. They make friends with...
Painting provides patients with a spontaneous, plastic method of depicting thoughts and experiences. Painting with paints is not as structured as with pencil or...